[omniORB] Callback Problem with Firewall, using OmniNames, bidir GIOP
2007-08-17 09:44:12 UTC
I am posting this issue in connection with presence of firewalls in the
network. We have a firewall sitting in between client and server, filtering
packets based on TCP ports. A client invokes method on the proxy, which
leads to the server invoking a CALL BACK method on the client object.
I was going through omniORB 4.0.3 documentation and found how to achieve
Bi-directional GIOP, which allows callbacks to be made using a connection
opened by the original client. Based example on src\examples\bidir. ============server code================================================== const char* options[][2] = {
{ "traceLevel", "40" },
{ "traceExceptions", "1" },
{ "acceptBiDirectionalGIOP", "1" },
{ "serverTransportRule", "* unix,tcp,bidir" },
{ "endPoint", "giop:tcp::7788" },
{ 0, 0 }
}; // Initialise the ORB.
orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv,"omniORB4",options); {
CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
//CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("omniINSPOA");
PortableServer::POA_var rootpoa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
PortableServer::POAManager_var pman = rootpoa->the_POAManager();
pman->activate(); // Create a POA with the Bidirectional policy
CORBA::PolicyList pl;
CORBA::Any a;
a <<= BiDirPolicy::BOTH;
pl[0] = orb->create_policy(BiDirPolicy::BIDIRECTIONAL_POLICY_TYPE, a); PortableServer::POA_var poa = rootpoa->create_POA("bidir", pman, pl); server_i* myserver = new server_i();
PortableServer::ObjectId_var myserver_id = PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId("bidirService");
rootpoa->activate_object_with_id(myserver_id, myserver);
//poa->activate_object_with_id(myserver_id, myserver);
PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = poa->activate_object(myserver);
obj = myserver->_this();
CORBA::String_var sior(orb->object_to_string(obj));
cerr <<std::endl<< "Servant ObjectId£º'" << (char*) sior << "'" << endl;
} cerr << "bd_server: Returned from orb->run()." << endl;
orb->destroy(); ============client code================================================== const char* options[][2] = {
{ "traceLevel", "40" },
{ "traceExceptions", "1" },
{ "offerBiDirectionalGIOP", "1" },
{ "clientTransportRule", "* unix,tcp,bidir" },
{ 0, 0 }
}; // Initialise the ORB.
CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv,"omniORB4",options); {
CORBA::Object_var obj; // Initialise the POA.
//obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("omniINSPOA");
PortableServer::POA_var rootpoa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
PortableServer::POAManager_var pman = rootpoa->the_POAManager();
pman->activate(); // Create a POA with the Bidirectional policy
CORBA::PolicyList pl;
CORBA::Any a;
a <<= BiDirPolicy::BOTH;
pl[0] = orb->create_policy(BiDirPolicy::BIDIRECTIONAL_POLICY_TYPE, a); PortableServer::POA_var poa = rootpoa->create_POA("bidir", pman, pl); // Get the reference the server.
std::string srv_obj_id("corbaloc::");
obj = orb->string_to_object(srv_obj_id.c_str());
cb::Server_var server = cb::Server::_narrow(obj); // Register a CallBack object in this process.
cb_i* mycallback = new cb_i();
PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = poa->activate_object(mycallback);
cb::CallBack_var callback = mycallback->_this();
mycallback->_remove_ref(); /*if( argc == 2 )
do_single(server, callback);
do_register(server, callback, atoi(argv[2]),atoi(argv[3]));*/
do_register(server, callback, 3,1000); }
// Clean-up. This also destroys the call-back object.
orb->destroy(); -------------------------------------------------------------It still is not working and server is unable to invoke callback method on
the client object. Is there anything I am missing here? Also, can I get an
IIOP to HTTPgateway compatible with omniORB?
-----Result-----------omniORB: throw giopStream::CommFailure from giopStream.cc:1110(0,NO,COMM_FAILURE_MarshalArguments)----------------
Thanks a lot, your help is much appreciated. roger

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Duncan Grisby
2007-09-04 14:21:21 UTC
Post by roger
I am posting this issue in connection with presence of firewalls in the
network. We have a firewall sitting in between client and server, filtering
packets based on TCP ports. A client invokes method on the proxy, which
leads to the server invoking a CALL BACK method on the client object.
I was going through omniORB 4.0.3 documentation and found how to achieve
Bi-directional GIOP, which allows callbacks to be made using a connection
opened by the original client. Based example on src\examples\bidir.
Post by roger
It still is not working and server is unable to invoke callback method on
the client object. Is there anything I am missing here?
Does the omniORB bidir example work? If so, your options are wrong --
compare the configuration dump from your client and server with the ones
from the bidir example. If the example doesn't work, please post
complete traces from the client and server side from traceLevel 25
traceThreadId 1.


-- Duncan Grisby --
-- ***@grisby.org --
-- http://www.grisby.org --