anirudh nair
2011-01-28 16:27:06 UTC
I created a persistent object using omniINSPOA and setting the endPoint
parameter suitably.
The object is persistent as I get the same IOR when the server restarts.
Now, when the client calls a method after a server restart, a COMM_FAILURE
is raised. The interesting thing here is that when the client catches the
exception and issues
another call to server, the server method is executed.
So, basically only the first call after the server restart raises an
exception. All calls henceforth
works fine.
if the below code is executed after server restarts.
try {
return obj_ref->send_book(the_book, key); // this raises an exception
catch(...) {
cerr << "Exception Caught" << endl;
return obj_ref->send_book(the_book, key); // this call works fine
In the above code send_book is the server method called by the client.
client trace:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.319000: Version: 4.1.2
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.321000: Distribution date: Thu Feb 14
GMT 2008 dgrisby
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.383000: My addresses are:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.383000: Maximum supported GIOP version is
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.384000: Native char code sets: UTF-8
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.384000: Transmission char code sets:
UTF-8(1.1) ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1) ISO-8859-1(1.0).
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.384000: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.384000: Transmission wide char code sets:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.385000: Initialising omniDynamic library.
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.386000: Current configuration is as
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (file) =
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (args) =
omniORB: abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB: abortOnNativeException = 0
omniORB: acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB: acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB: bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB: bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB: clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientConnectTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: configFile = C:\OMNIORB.CFG
omniORB: connectionWatchImmediate = 0
omniORB: connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
omniORB: copyValuesInLocalCalls = 1
omniORB: diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB: dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB: endPoint = giop:tcp::
omniORB: endPointPublish = addr
omniORB: giopMaxMsgSize = 2097152
omniORB: giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
omniORB: id = omniORB4
omniORB: idleThreadTimeout = 10
omniORB: immediateAddressSwitch = 0
omniORB: inConScanPeriod = 180
omniORB: lcdMode = 0
omniORB: maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 5
omniORB: maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB: maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB: maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB: maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB: maxSocketRecv = 131072
omniORB: maxSocketSend = 131072
omniORB: nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB: nativeWCharCodeSet = UTF-16
omniORB: objectTableSize = 0
omniORB: offerBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB: oneCallPerConnection = 1
omniORB: outConScanPeriod = 120
omniORB: poaHoldRequestTimeout = 0
omniORB: poaUniquePersistentSystemIds = 1
omniORB: principal = [Null]
omniORB: resetTimeOutOnRetries = 0
omniORB: scanGranularity = 5
omniORB: serverCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: serverTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: socketSendBuffer = 16384
omniORB: strictIIOP = 1
omniORB: supportBootstrapAgent = 0
omniORB: supportCurrent = 1
omniORB: supportPerThreadTimeOut = 0
omniORB: tcAliasExpand = 0
omniORB: threadPerConnectionLowerLimit = 9000
omniORB: threadPerConnectionPolicy = 1
omniORB: threadPerConnectionUpperLimit = 10000
omniORB: threadPoolWatchConnection = 1
omniORB: traceExceptions = 0
omniORB: traceFile = [stderr]
omniORB: traceInvocationReturns = 1
omniORB: traceInvocations = 1
omniORB: traceLevel = 25
omniORB: traceThreadId = 1
omniORB: traceTime = 1
omniORB: unixTransportDirectory = /tmp/omni-%u
omniORB: unixTransportPermission = 777
omniORB: useTypeCodeIndirections = 1
omniORB: verifyObjectExistsAndType = 1
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.392000: Creating ref to remote: key<Param>
target id :
most derived id:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.407000: Invoke '_is_a' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.411000: Client attempt to connect to
omniORB: (1) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.412000: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 1 has
. Total threads = 1
omniORB: (1) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.414000: Scavenger task execute.
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.425000: Client opened connection to
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.425000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
80 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.426000: inputMessage: from
:4001 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.426000: Return '_is_a' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.427000: Creating ref to remote: key<Param>
target id : IDL:Param/ParamBook:1.0
most derived id:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.428000: ObjRef() -- deleted.
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:33.431000: Invoke 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:33.432000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
1374 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:33.434000: inputMessage: from
:4001 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:33.435000: Return 'send_book' on remote:
//The below invoke of send_book fails
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.811000: Invoke 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.812000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
1374 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.815000: Client connection refcount = 0
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.815000: Client close connection to
Exception Caught
// the below call executes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.824000: Invoke 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.825000: Client attempt to connect to
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.827000: Client opened connection to
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.828000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
1374 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.830000: inputMessage: from
:4001 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.831000: Return 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:41.861000: Invoke 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:41.862000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
1374 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:41.864000: inputMessage: from
:4001 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:41.865000: Return 'send_book' on remote:
Server trace:
omniORB: Version: 4.1.5
omniORB: Distribution date: Wed Dec 22 15:59:17 GMT 2010 dgrisby
omniORB: Skip link local address fe80::213:72ff:fe90:6d4b on interface eth0.
omniORB: Skip link local address fe80::213:72ff:fe90:6d4b on interface br0.
omniORB: My addresses are:
omniORB: ::1
omniORB: Maximum supported GIOP version is 1.2
omniORB: Native char code sets: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8.
omniORB: Transmission char code sets: ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1)
ISO-8859-1(1.0) UTF-8(1.2) UTF-8(1.1).
omniORB: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: Transmission wide char code sets: UTF-16(1.2).
omniORB: Initialising omniDynamic library.
omniORB: Current configuration is as follows:
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (file) =
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (args) =
omniORB: InitRef = NameService=corbaname::localhost
omniORB: abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB: abortOnNativeException = 0
omniORB: acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 1
omniORB: acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB: bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB: bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB: clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientConnectTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: configFile = /etc/omniORB.cfg
omniORB: connectionWatchImmediate = 0
omniORB: connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
omniORB: copyValuesInLocalCalls = 1
omniORB: diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB: dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB: endPoint = giop:tcp::4001
omniORB: endPointPublish = addr
omniORB: giopMaxMsgSize = 536870912
omniORB: giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
omniORB: id = omniORB4
omniORB: idleThreadTimeout = 10
omniORB: immediateAddressSwitch = 0
omniORB: inConScanPeriod = 0
omniORB: lcdMode = 0
omniORB: maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 100
omniORB: maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB: maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB: maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB: maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB: maxSocketRecv = 2147483647
omniORB: maxSocketSend = 2147483647
omniORB: nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB: nativeWCharCodeSet = UTF-16
omniORB: objectTableSize = 0
omniORB: offerBiDirectionalGIOP = 1
omniORB: oneCallPerConnection = 1
omniORB: outConScanPeriod = 0
omniORB: poaHoldRequestTimeout = 0
omniORB: poaUniquePersistentSystemIds = 1
omniORB: principal = [Null]
omniORB: resetTimeOutOnRetries = 0
omniORB: scanGranularity = 5
omniORB: serverCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: serverTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: socketSendBuffer = -1
omniORB: strictIIOP = 1
omniORB: supportBootstrapAgent = 0
omniORB: supportCurrent = 1
omniORB: supportPerThreadTimeOut = 0
omniORB: tcAliasExpand = 0
omniORB: threadPerConnectionLowerLimit = 9000
omniORB: threadPerConnectionPolicy = 1
omniORB: threadPerConnectionUpperLimit = 10000
omniORB: threadPoolWatchConnection = 1
omniORB: traceExceptions = 1
omniORB: traceFile = [stderr]
omniORB: traceInvocationReturns = 0
omniORB: traceInvocations = 0
omniORB: traceLevel = 25
omniORB: traceThreadId = 0
omniORB: traceTime = 0
omniORB: unixTransportDirectory = /tmp/omni-%u
omniORB: unixTransportPermission = 777
omniORB: useTypeCodeIndirections = 1
omniORB: validateUTF8 = 0
omniORB: verifyObjectExistsAndType = 1
omniORB: Initialising incoming endpoints.
omniORB: Instantiate endpoint 'giop:tcp::4001'
omniORB: Bind to address :: port 4001.
omniORB: Publish specification: 'addr'
omniORB: Try to publish 'addr' for endpoint giop:tcp:
omniORB: Publish endpoint 'giop:tcp:'
omniORB: Starting serving incoming endpoints.
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 1 has started. Total threads = 1
omniORB: giopRendezvouser task execute for giop:tcp:
omniORB: Adding key<Param> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State key<Param> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Creating ref to local: key<Param>
target id :
most derived id: IDL:Param/ParamBook:1.0
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: Version: 4.1.5
omniORB: Distribution date: Wed Dec 22 15:59:17 GMT 2010 dgrisby
omniORB: Skip link local address fe80::213:72ff:fe90:6d4b on interface eth0.
omniORB: Skip link local address fe80::213:72ff:fe90:6d4b on interface br0.
omniORB: My addresses are:
omniORB: ::1
omniORB: Maximum supported GIOP version is 1.2
omniORB: Native char code sets: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8.
omniORB: Transmission char code sets: ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1)
ISO-8859-1(1.0) UTF-8(1.2) UTF-8(1.1).
omniORB: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: Transmission wide char code sets: UTF-16(1.2).
omniORB: Initialising omniDynamic library.
omniORB: Current configuration is as follows:
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (file) =
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (args) =
omniORB: InitRef = NameService=corbaname::localhost
omniORB: abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB: abortOnNativeException = 0
omniORB: acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 1
omniORB: acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB: bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB: bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB: clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientConnectTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: configFile = /etc/omniORB.cfg
omniORB: connectionWatchImmediate = 0
omniORB: connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
omniORB: copyValuesInLocalCalls = 1
omniORB: diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB: dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB: endPoint = giop:tcp::4001
omniORB: endPointPublish = addr
omniORB: giopMaxMsgSize = 536870912
omniORB: giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
omniORB: id = omniORB4
omniORB: idleThreadTimeout = 10
omniORB: immediateAddressSwitch = 0
omniORB: inConScanPeriod = 0
omniORB: lcdMode = 0
omniORB: maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 100
omniORB: maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB: maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB: maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB: maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB: maxSocketRecv = 2147483647
omniORB: maxSocketSend = 2147483647
omniORB: nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 2 has started. Total threads = 2
omniORB: Scavenger task execute.
omniORB: Server accepted connection from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 3 has started. Total threads = 3
omniORB: giopWorker task execute.
omniORB: Accepted connection from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 because
of this rule: "* unix,ssl,tcp"
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 80 bytes
omniORB: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 25 bytes
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 1374 bytes
length of book: 1
Exclusion Region Data Received
omniORB: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 25 bytes
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
// After server restart
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 2 has started. Total threads = 2
omniORB: Scavenger task execute.
omniORB: Server accepted connection from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 3 has started. Total threads = 3
omniORB: giopWorker task execute.
omniORB: Accepted connection from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 because
of this rule: "* unix,ssl,tcp"
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 1374 bytes
length of book: 1
Exclusion Region Data Received
omniORB: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 25 bytes
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 1374 bytes
length of book: 1
Exclusion Region Data Received
omniORB: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 25 bytes
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
-------------- next part --------------
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I created a persistent object using omniINSPOA and setting the endPoint
parameter suitably.
The object is persistent as I get the same IOR when the server restarts.
Now, when the client calls a method after a server restart, a COMM_FAILURE
is raised. The interesting thing here is that when the client catches the
exception and issues
another call to server, the server method is executed.
So, basically only the first call after the server restart raises an
exception. All calls henceforth
works fine.
if the below code is executed after server restarts.
try {
return obj_ref->send_book(the_book, key); // this raises an exception
catch(...) {
cerr << "Exception Caught" << endl;
return obj_ref->send_book(the_book, key); // this call works fine
In the above code send_book is the server method called by the client.
client trace:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.319000: Version: 4.1.2
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.321000: Distribution date: Thu Feb 14
GMT 2008 dgrisby
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.383000: My addresses are:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.383000: Maximum supported GIOP version is
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.384000: Native char code sets: UTF-8
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.384000: Transmission char code sets:
UTF-8(1.1) ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1) ISO-8859-1(1.0).
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.384000: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.384000: Transmission wide char code sets:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.385000: Initialising omniDynamic library.
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.386000: Current configuration is as
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (file) =
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (args) =
omniORB: abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB: abortOnNativeException = 0
omniORB: acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB: acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB: bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB: bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB: clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientConnectTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: configFile = C:\OMNIORB.CFG
omniORB: connectionWatchImmediate = 0
omniORB: connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
omniORB: copyValuesInLocalCalls = 1
omniORB: diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB: dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB: endPoint = giop:tcp::
omniORB: endPointPublish = addr
omniORB: giopMaxMsgSize = 2097152
omniORB: giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
omniORB: id = omniORB4
omniORB: idleThreadTimeout = 10
omniORB: immediateAddressSwitch = 0
omniORB: inConScanPeriod = 180
omniORB: lcdMode = 0
omniORB: maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 5
omniORB: maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB: maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB: maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB: maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB: maxSocketRecv = 131072
omniORB: maxSocketSend = 131072
omniORB: nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB: nativeWCharCodeSet = UTF-16
omniORB: objectTableSize = 0
omniORB: offerBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB: oneCallPerConnection = 1
omniORB: outConScanPeriod = 120
omniORB: poaHoldRequestTimeout = 0
omniORB: poaUniquePersistentSystemIds = 1
omniORB: principal = [Null]
omniORB: resetTimeOutOnRetries = 0
omniORB: scanGranularity = 5
omniORB: serverCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: serverTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: socketSendBuffer = 16384
omniORB: strictIIOP = 1
omniORB: supportBootstrapAgent = 0
omniORB: supportCurrent = 1
omniORB: supportPerThreadTimeOut = 0
omniORB: tcAliasExpand = 0
omniORB: threadPerConnectionLowerLimit = 9000
omniORB: threadPerConnectionPolicy = 1
omniORB: threadPerConnectionUpperLimit = 10000
omniORB: threadPoolWatchConnection = 1
omniORB: traceExceptions = 0
omniORB: traceFile = [stderr]
omniORB: traceInvocationReturns = 1
omniORB: traceInvocations = 1
omniORB: traceLevel = 25
omniORB: traceThreadId = 1
omniORB: traceTime = 1
omniORB: unixTransportDirectory = /tmp/omni-%u
omniORB: unixTransportPermission = 777
omniORB: useTypeCodeIndirections = 1
omniORB: verifyObjectExistsAndType = 1
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.392000: Creating ref to remote: key<Param>
target id :
most derived id:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.407000: Invoke '_is_a' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.411000: Client attempt to connect to
omniORB: (1) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.412000: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 1 has
. Total threads = 1
omniORB: (1) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.414000: Scavenger task execute.
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.425000: Client opened connection to
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.425000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
80 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.426000: inputMessage: from
:4001 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.426000: Return '_is_a' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.427000: Creating ref to remote: key<Param>
target id : IDL:Param/ParamBook:1.0
most derived id:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:17.428000: ObjRef() -- deleted.
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:33.431000: Invoke 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:33.432000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
1374 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:33.434000: inputMessage: from
:4001 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:52:33.435000: Return 'send_book' on remote:
//The below invoke of send_book fails
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.811000: Invoke 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.812000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
1374 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.815000: Client connection refcount = 0
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.815000: Client close connection to
Exception Caught
// the below call executes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.824000: Invoke 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.825000: Client attempt to connect to
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.827000: Client opened connection to
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.828000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
1374 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.830000: inputMessage: from
:4001 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:33.831000: Return 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:41.861000: Invoke 'send_book' on remote:
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:41.862000: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:
1374 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:41.864000: inputMessage: from
:4001 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2011-01-27 20:55:41.865000: Return 'send_book' on remote:
Server trace:
omniORB: Version: 4.1.5
omniORB: Distribution date: Wed Dec 22 15:59:17 GMT 2010 dgrisby
omniORB: Skip link local address fe80::213:72ff:fe90:6d4b on interface eth0.
omniORB: Skip link local address fe80::213:72ff:fe90:6d4b on interface br0.
omniORB: My addresses are:
omniORB: ::1
omniORB: Maximum supported GIOP version is 1.2
omniORB: Native char code sets: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8.
omniORB: Transmission char code sets: ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1)
ISO-8859-1(1.0) UTF-8(1.2) UTF-8(1.1).
omniORB: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: Transmission wide char code sets: UTF-16(1.2).
omniORB: Initialising omniDynamic library.
omniORB: Current configuration is as follows:
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (file) =
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (args) =
omniORB: InitRef = NameService=corbaname::localhost
omniORB: abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB: abortOnNativeException = 0
omniORB: acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 1
omniORB: acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB: bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB: bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB: clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientConnectTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: configFile = /etc/omniORB.cfg
omniORB: connectionWatchImmediate = 0
omniORB: connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
omniORB: copyValuesInLocalCalls = 1
omniORB: diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB: dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB: endPoint = giop:tcp::4001
omniORB: endPointPublish = addr
omniORB: giopMaxMsgSize = 536870912
omniORB: giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
omniORB: id = omniORB4
omniORB: idleThreadTimeout = 10
omniORB: immediateAddressSwitch = 0
omniORB: inConScanPeriod = 0
omniORB: lcdMode = 0
omniORB: maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 100
omniORB: maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB: maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB: maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB: maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB: maxSocketRecv = 2147483647
omniORB: maxSocketSend = 2147483647
omniORB: nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB: nativeWCharCodeSet = UTF-16
omniORB: objectTableSize = 0
omniORB: offerBiDirectionalGIOP = 1
omniORB: oneCallPerConnection = 1
omniORB: outConScanPeriod = 0
omniORB: poaHoldRequestTimeout = 0
omniORB: poaUniquePersistentSystemIds = 1
omniORB: principal = [Null]
omniORB: resetTimeOutOnRetries = 0
omniORB: scanGranularity = 5
omniORB: serverCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: serverTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: socketSendBuffer = -1
omniORB: strictIIOP = 1
omniORB: supportBootstrapAgent = 0
omniORB: supportCurrent = 1
omniORB: supportPerThreadTimeOut = 0
omniORB: tcAliasExpand = 0
omniORB: threadPerConnectionLowerLimit = 9000
omniORB: threadPerConnectionPolicy = 1
omniORB: threadPerConnectionUpperLimit = 10000
omniORB: threadPoolWatchConnection = 1
omniORB: traceExceptions = 1
omniORB: traceFile = [stderr]
omniORB: traceInvocationReturns = 0
omniORB: traceInvocations = 0
omniORB: traceLevel = 25
omniORB: traceThreadId = 0
omniORB: traceTime = 0
omniORB: unixTransportDirectory = /tmp/omni-%u
omniORB: unixTransportPermission = 777
omniORB: useTypeCodeIndirections = 1
omniORB: validateUTF8 = 0
omniORB: verifyObjectExistsAndType = 1
omniORB: Initialising incoming endpoints.
omniORB: Instantiate endpoint 'giop:tcp::4001'
omniORB: Bind to address :: port 4001.
omniORB: Publish specification: 'addr'
omniORB: Try to publish 'addr' for endpoint giop:tcp:
omniORB: Publish endpoint 'giop:tcp:'
omniORB: Starting serving incoming endpoints.
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 1 has started. Total threads = 1
omniORB: giopRendezvouser task execute for giop:tcp:
omniORB: Adding key<Param> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State key<Param> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Creating ref to local: key<Param>
target id :
most derived id: IDL:Param/ParamBook:1.0
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: Version: 4.1.5
omniORB: Distribution date: Wed Dec 22 15:59:17 GMT 2010 dgrisby
omniORB: Skip link local address fe80::213:72ff:fe90:6d4b on interface eth0.
omniORB: Skip link local address fe80::213:72ff:fe90:6d4b on interface br0.
omniORB: My addresses are:
omniORB: ::1
omniORB: Maximum supported GIOP version is 1.2
omniORB: Native char code sets: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8.
omniORB: Transmission char code sets: ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1)
ISO-8859-1(1.0) UTF-8(1.2) UTF-8(1.1).
omniORB: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: Transmission wide char code sets: UTF-16(1.2).
omniORB: Initialising omniDynamic library.
omniORB: Current configuration is as follows:
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (file) =
omniORB: DefaultInitRef (args) =
omniORB: InitRef = NameService=corbaname::localhost
omniORB: abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB: abortOnNativeException = 0
omniORB: acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 1
omniORB: acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB: bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB: bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB: clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientConnectTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB: clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB: configFile = /etc/omniORB.cfg
omniORB: connectionWatchImmediate = 0
omniORB: connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
omniORB: copyValuesInLocalCalls = 1
omniORB: diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB: dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB: endPoint = giop:tcp::4001
omniORB: endPointPublish = addr
omniORB: giopMaxMsgSize = 536870912
omniORB: giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
omniORB: id = omniORB4
omniORB: idleThreadTimeout = 10
omniORB: immediateAddressSwitch = 0
omniORB: inConScanPeriod = 0
omniORB: lcdMode = 0
omniORB: maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 100
omniORB: maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB: maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB: maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB: maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB: maxSocketRecv = 2147483647
omniORB: maxSocketSend = 2147483647
omniORB: nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 2 has started. Total threads = 2
omniORB: Scavenger task execute.
omniORB: Server accepted connection from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 3 has started. Total threads = 3
omniORB: giopWorker task execute.
omniORB: Accepted connection from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 because
of this rule: "* unix,ssl,tcp"
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 80 bytes
omniORB: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 25 bytes
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 1374 bytes
length of book: 1
Exclusion Region Data Received
omniORB: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54325 25 bytes
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
// After server restart
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 2 has started. Total threads = 2
omniORB: Scavenger task execute.
omniORB: Server accepted connection from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 3 has started. Total threads = 3
omniORB: giopWorker task execute.
omniORB: Accepted connection from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 because
of this rule: "* unix,ssl,tcp"
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 1374 bytes
length of book: 1
Exclusion Region Data Received
omniORB: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 25 bytes
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: inputMessage: from giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 1374 bytes
length of book: 1
Exclusion Region Data Received
omniORB: sendChunk: to giop:tcp:[::ffff:]:54333 25 bytes
omniORB: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
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