Paul McMahon
2007-02-01 15:35:47 UTC
When using omnievents between 2 machines, does the client need to have
omnievents daemon running?
Or is it sufficient for client to just link with a local copy of omnievents
library and use the naming service on the server to obtain the EventChannel
and then receive events?
So far I have got the following working:
omnievents running on server
eventchannelfactory and eventchannel created (and appear in nameclt list)
pushes events correctly according
to /var/lib/omniEvents/omnievents-hostname.log
uses example supplied with omnievents.
obtains namingservice correctly from server
BUT search for eventchannel always returns "Failed to find EventChannel in
NameService. NamingContext::NotFound"
// Obtain object reference to EventChannel
// (from command-line argument or from the Naming Service).
if (g.getOptind() < args.length) {
action = "convert URI from command line into object reference";
obj = orb.string_to_object(args[g.getOptind()]);
} else {
action = "resolve initial reference 'NameService'";
obj = orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService");
NamingContext rootContext = NamingContextHelper.narrow(obj);
if (rootContext == null)
throw new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST();
NameComponent name[] = { new NameComponent(channelName,
channelKind) };
action = "find EventChannel in NameService";
Following line throws NotFound Exception--->
obj = rootContext.resolve(name);
(channelName and channelKind are set to "EventChannel" which matches what's on
the server).
Any help much appreciated.
-Paul McMahon
omnievents daemon running?
Or is it sufficient for client to just link with a local copy of omnievents
library and use the naming service on the server to obtain the EventChannel
and then receive events?
So far I have got the following working:
omnievents running on server
eventchannelfactory and eventchannel created (and appear in nameclt list)
pushes events correctly according
to /var/lib/omniEvents/omnievents-hostname.log
uses example supplied with omnievents.
obtains namingservice correctly from server
BUT search for eventchannel always returns "Failed to find EventChannel in
NameService. NamingContext::NotFound"
// Obtain object reference to EventChannel
// (from command-line argument or from the Naming Service).
if (g.getOptind() < args.length) {
action = "convert URI from command line into object reference";
obj = orb.string_to_object(args[g.getOptind()]);
} else {
action = "resolve initial reference 'NameService'";
obj = orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService");
NamingContext rootContext = NamingContextHelper.narrow(obj);
if (rootContext == null)
throw new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST();
NameComponent name[] = { new NameComponent(channelName,
channelKind) };
action = "find EventChannel in NameService";
Following line throws NotFound Exception--->
obj = rootContext.resolve(name);
(channelName and channelKind are set to "EventChannel" which matches what's on
the server).
Any help much appreciated.
-Paul McMahon