Morris, Steve (SW/FW - Rehovot)
2007-12-31 22:33:18 UTC
I know that the omniORB IDL compiler supports case insensitive identifiers and I know that this in accordance with the OMG spec., however....
I need to write a Python application that will connect to a large, existing CORBA application that uses a case sensitive IDL compiler.
I think that can change some things in the IDL without causing problems, such as changing PropertyList getMany(in PropertyList propertyList) to PropertyList getMany(in PropertyList myPropertyList).
However, I cannot change others. For instance, I do not have any solution for
struct ForcedDrawer {.....};
struct PaperSource
ForcedDrawer forcedDrawer;
Any ideas?
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I need to write a Python application that will connect to a large, existing CORBA application that uses a case sensitive IDL compiler.
I think that can change some things in the IDL without causing problems, such as changing PropertyList getMany(in PropertyList propertyList) to PropertyList getMany(in PropertyList myPropertyList).
However, I cannot change others. For instance, I do not have any solution for
struct ForcedDrawer {.....};
struct PaperSource
ForcedDrawer forcedDrawer;
Any ideas?
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