[omniORB] VisualStudio 8 warns when linking 4.1 static+debug libs
Oliver Frick
2006-12-13 16:05:43 UTC
We have a small problem when linking the omniOrb 4.1 libs (static+debug)
to VisualStudio 8 projects. The linker prints a long list of warnings
like the

"omniORB4d.lib(anonObject.o) : warning LNK4204: [...]\Debug\vc80.pdb'
is missing debugging information for referencing module;
linking object as if no debug info"

We are using precompiled libraries - omniORB-4.1.0-x86_win32_vc8.zip
from the omniOrb SourceForge website and we followed the readme files
for setting up the projects.

Oliver Frick

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Jari Lappalainen
2006-12-29 14:05:01 UTC
I've downloaded the windows build omniORB-4.1.0-x86_win32_vc8.zip
but now I have trouble linking my project against it.

My MSVC 8 project uses static runtime libraries but fails to link to
(with LNK2005 error).

Using dumpbin utility, I can tell the omniORB4.lib link directives
include MSVCRT.lib,
which suggests dynamic linking.

Also, in the mk/platforms/x86_win32_vs_8.mk file it says:


while I would have expected -MT for static linking instead of -MD.

However, previous posts on this list suggest other people have used vc_8
with omniORB 4.1
and with static linking just fine.
(For example,

Next, I'll try changing the makefile and rebuilding.

Any comments are appreciated.

Jari Lappalainen
