Cetateanu Marius-B01107
2009-09-24 19:28:06 UTC
I have an IDL file named Example.idl. I'm generating the python stub
from this file with the following
command line: omniidl -bpython -Wbpackage=intf.stubsCORBA. According to
the documentation -Wbpackage should
put both python modules and stub files in package intf.stubsCORBA. As a
result of the command I have the
following: intf/stubsCORBA/Example and intf/stubsCORBA/Example__POA
directories with the __init__.py files in them;
both of files contain the following import "import
intf.stubsCORBA.Example_idl". So far so good. But
in the Example_idl.py file which is generated in intf/stubsCORBA/ I get
the __name__ variable (at the end of the file)
set in the following way:
# End of module "Example"
__name__ = "intf.stubsCORBA.intf.stubsCORBA.Example_idl"
The fact that the name of the package was doubled causes my program
which uses Example to fail. Is the doubled name correct? If it's correct
then why the import in the __init__.py was generated without the doubled
Marius Cetateanu
DevTech - Software Engineer
Freescale Semiconductor Romania SRL
45, Tudor Vladimirescu Street
Tati Business Center
Bucharest 050881, Romania
Phone: +040 213052078
Mobile: +040 742191809
Fax: +040 213052000
email: ***@freescale.com
I have an IDL file named Example.idl. I'm generating the python stub
from this file with the following
command line: omniidl -bpython -Wbpackage=intf.stubsCORBA. According to
the documentation -Wbpackage should
put both python modules and stub files in package intf.stubsCORBA. As a
result of the command I have the
following: intf/stubsCORBA/Example and intf/stubsCORBA/Example__POA
directories with the __init__.py files in them;
both of files contain the following import "import
intf.stubsCORBA.Example_idl". So far so good. But
in the Example_idl.py file which is generated in intf/stubsCORBA/ I get
the __name__ variable (at the end of the file)
set in the following way:
# End of module "Example"
__name__ = "intf.stubsCORBA.intf.stubsCORBA.Example_idl"
The fact that the name of the package was doubled causes my program
which uses Example to fail. Is the doubled name correct? If it's correct
then why the import in the __init__.py was generated without the doubled
Marius Cetateanu
DevTech - Software Engineer
Freescale Semiconductor Romania SRL
45, Tudor Vladimirescu Street
Tati Business Center
Bucharest 050881, Romania
Phone: +040 213052078
Mobile: +040 742191809
Fax: +040 213052000
email: ***@freescale.com