[omniORB] problem - changing giopMaxMsgSize
Frederick Grumieaux
2011-06-09 20:10:48 UTC
Hi everyone,

I can't change the max message size with the options field in the CORBA::ORB_init() function.
There is only one function in my program that would require big messages and I want to change the max message size programmatory when I would call this function and keep it on the default size otherwise. I found out that the parameter which handles this stuff is named "giopMaxMsgSize" and that it can be read by calling "omniORB::giopMaxMsgSize()". This is however a read parameter and I couldn't find where to set it, until I stumbled upon this site https://idlebox.net/2007/apidocs/omniORB-4.1.0.zip/omniORB/omniORB004.html and discovered that I already implemented 3 other parameters just like it, which seem to work. (verifyObjectExistsAndType, strictIIOP and oneCallPerConnection ).
Unfortunately tough it didn't work.
So I am now hoping that someone of you could tell me how to do it. The code I use can be found below.

This is how the init function is implemented:
extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) void SL_Init(int eid,char* corbaloc,char** errorMessage)
DCM::DeviceControl_ptr dcm = NULL;
CORBA::ORB_ptr orb = NULL;

//make this function 'thread safe' with other threads using mapORB and mapDCM
AutoLock LockORB(mapORB_Lock);
AutoLock LockDCM(mapDCM_Lock);

//to be sure that the program is initialized: call the init function from the program initializer

//Close if still opened (restart)

if(mapORB.find(eid) == mapORB.end())
const char* options[][2] =
{ "verifyObjectExistsAndType", "0" },
{"giopMaxMsgSize","20971520"},//change the max message size to 20MB -> to allow big files for the backup functionality
{ 0, 0 }

int argc = 0;
char* argv = NULL;

orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc,&argv,"omniORB4",options);
mapORB[eid] = orb;
//delete[] options;

if(mapDCM.find(eid) == mapDCM.end())
CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->string_to_object(corbaloc);
dcm = DCM::DeviceControl::_unchecked_narrow(obj);
mapDCM[eid] = dcm;
CORBA::Long clientNumber;
*errorMessage = (char*)CoTaskMemAlloc(strlen(" ")+1);
strcpy(*errorMessage," ");

*errorMessage = (char*)CoTaskMemAlloc(strlen("unexpected error in login")+1);
strcpy(*errorMessage,"unexpected error in login");
ReleaseLinks(eid, orb, dcm);

This is where I want to use it and according to the response I get on this the size is still 2Mb (default ) - the "MARSHAL" exception occurs when calling "dcm->BackupSettings2(scope, output);"

void BackupSettings2(DCM::DeviceControl_ptr dcm, CORBA::UShort scope, unsigned char** byteStream, unsigned long* length, char** Progress)

*Progress = (char*)CoTaskMemAlloc(5000);
sprintf(*Progress,"Start\n(Max message size = %lu )\n", omniORB::giopMaxMsgSize());

*length = 0; //no memory allocated (yet)
DCM::DeviceControl::ByteStream_var stream;
dc::ByteStream_out output(stream.out());
strcat(*Progress, "stream var created\n");
dcm->BackupSettings2(scope, output);
strcat(*Progress, "Data retrieved from device.\n");

/*other code*/


Thanks in advance,
Frederick G.

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Duncan Grisby
2011-07-14 22:26:32 UTC
I can?t change the max message size with the options field in the
CORBA::ORB_init() function.
There is only one function in my program that would require big
messages and I want to change the max message size programmatory when
I would call this function and keep it on the default size otherwise.
I found out that the parameter which handles this stuff is named
?giopMaxMsgSize? and that it can be read by calling
?omniORB::giopMaxMsgSize()?. This is however a read parameter and I
couldn?t find where to set it, until I stumbled upon this site
https://idlebox.net/2007/apidocs/omniORB-4.1.0.zip/omniORB/omniORB004.html and discovered that I already implemented 3 other parameters just like it, which seem to work. (verifyObjectExistsAndType, strictIIOP and oneCallPerConnection ).
That page is from an out of date copy of the omniORB documentation. The
correct location is

Unfortunately tough it didn?t work.
It didn't work because the ORB is a singleton and ORB_init() does
nothing at all if you call it a second time. It doesn't reprocess any of
the configuration parameters.

There's no "public" way to programatically set giopMaxMsgSize after
ORB_init time, but it's just stored in a static variable that you can

#include <omniORB4/internal/orbParameters.h>
omni::orbParameters::giopMaxMsgSize = 20971520;

Presumably you're able to be careful that no other threads are accessing
it at the time you change it...


-- Duncan Grisby --
-- ***@grisby.org --
-- http://www.grisby.org --