[omniORB] Sense of reinvoking the same method
radamkie at kdm.pl ()
2007-01-29 20:11:04 UTC

I would like to ask about a situation when invoking a remote method
takes much longer time that I need. There is a way to "cancel" such
method by setting timeout. But I have a question, if there is still a sense
to try re-invoking method. For example:

I need to invoke remote method functionX() in 500 ms, which normally takes
10-40 ms. So I plan to do this in such way:

- invoke method functionX() with timeout set to 200 ms
- if invoking takes longer time then 200 ms then
"cancel" (by timer) and invoking the same method second time
and count that this time it takes less time then 300 ms.

Has it sense ? Mayby somebody have experience in it ?

Ridgway, Richard (London)
2007-01-29 20:45:23 UTC
This depends where you expect the delay to occur. If the invocation
always takes < 10-40ms to process in the remote object then you are ok.
If this could take longer when under load then retrying in the way you
suggested is only likely to make the situation worse by adding yet more
load to the remote server - you would be better off allowing the maximum
500ms for the call to return.
If on the other hand you are trying to deal with network problems, it
sounds reasonable - but bare in mind that omniorb performs retries
automagically under the covers in situations it recognises.


-----Original Message-----
From: omniorb-list-***@omniorb-support.com
[mailto:omniorb-list-***@omniorb-support.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: 29 January 2007 13:11
To: omniorb-***@omniorb-support.com
Subject: [omniORB] Sense of reinvoking the same method


I would like to ask about a situation when invoking a remote method
takes much longer time that I need. There is a way to "cancel" such
method by setting timeout. But I have a question, if there is still a
to try re-invoking method. For example:

I need to invoke remote method functionX() in 500 ms, which normally
10-40 ms. So I plan to do this in such way:

- invoke method functionX() with timeout set to 200 ms
- if invoking takes longer time then 200 ms then
"cancel" (by timer) and invoking the same method second time
and count that this time it takes less time then 300 ms.

Has it sense ? Mayby somebody have experience in it ?


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