[omniORB] Any Idea? How do that?
2007-09-19 07:44:17 UTC
Dear all,

I have two interfaces as following.

interface ShortInterface{
short returnType();

interface LongInterface{
long returnType();

For each interface I made Server and Clinet. For example for ShortInterface there is ServerShort and ClientShort module and for LongInterface there is ServerLong and ClientLong

Now, ServerLong, ClientLong, ServerShort, ClientShort are working fine as a pair in separate module.

I need to integrate ServerLong with ServerShort and ClientLong with ClientShort. Is there any idea how I can do it? Of course, it might be silly question but do I have to have one ORB for them? and one POA for them????


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Gerd Schmitt
2007-09-19 13:24:32 UTC
just make a server process that creates both servlets,
activate the POA(s) of the servlets and call orb->run

from my server holding several servlets and using the special NSPOA:

CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv);

// I don't want/need the nameservice, so I use the "omniINSPOA"
CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("omniINSPOA");
PortableServer::POA_ptr poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);

// create the servlets you need (CorbaObjectCreator::initialise() is
// my code creating the servlets, not a CORBA call)
CorbaObjectCreator::initialise(orb, normalExerciseId, playbackExId);

// activate the POA via it's manager. (Otherwise incomming requests are blocked)

// enter the eventloop => now our servants can serve incomming requests
orb->run(); // never returns

now any client may do calls on your servlet objects.

Gerd, hoping the Gurus on the list won't raise an eyebrow :)
Post by janarbek
Dear all,
I have two interfaces as following.
interface ShortInterface{
short returnType();
interface *LongInterface*{
long returnType();
For each interface I made Server and Clinet. For example for
ShortInterface there is ServerShort and ClientShort module and for
*LongInterface* there is *ServerLong* and *ClientLong*
Now, ServerLong, ClientLong, ServerShort, ClientShort are working fine
as a pair in separate module.
I need to integrate ServerLong with ServerShort and ClientLong with
ClientShort. Is there any idea how I can do it? Of course, it might be
silly question but do I have to have one ORB for them? and one POA for
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Gerd Schmitt
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