[omniORB] RE: omniORB-list Digest, Vol 50, Issue 11
Josh Arnold
2007-06-15 20:58:18 UTC
You're right that ValueBase should be scoped. However, your C++ compiler
is broken if it doesn't accept the unscoped form, since the class is
derived from CORBA::DefaultValueRefCountBase, which is derived from
CORBA::ValueBase. The compiler should pick up ValueBase from the
Thanks for your quick response! I'm using MSVC 6, so I'm not surprised that
there are compiler quirks. ;)

On a related note, I also have a scoping problem with submodules named
"CORBA". Such modules get created by the java-to-idl specification. An
example is "org::omg::boxedRMI::CORBA::seq1_WStringValue", the java-to-idl
mapping for a java String array.

The problem is that when the generated classes for seq1_WStringValue
reference a type such as "CORBA::ULong", the compiler tries to resolve it to
"::org::omg::boxedRMI::CORBA::ULong" rather than "::CORBA::ULong". Again,
this is MSVC 6, so it might not be correct behavior.

For the moment I'm getting around this by postprocessing the generated
classes to convert instances of "CORBA::" to "::CORBA::" (being careful not
to touch existing instances of "::CORBA::").

Thanks again,

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