Алексей Иваненко
2008-11-27 17:07:46 UTC
Hello All. My name is Alexey and i have a question. Recently i came across some omnithread problem. I am developing an application which uses CORBA of course and about 179 omnithreads. But when my application makes 166 threads omni throw an exception omni_thread_fatal. I think that reason of this problem is fulfilled of stack. I've modified program code of omnithread library and it works. First of all i want to show my solution and ask why omniORB developers didn't make something like that? Maybe there were some problems, which i don't know. I've tested it and it worked fine. But maybe there will be situations where it will be cause of problems. If so i will be glad to know that.
I am using omniORB-4.0.5 (but i saw source cod of omniORB-4.1.2 where the same style of thread creation). My application works in Linux, so i have modified POSIX.cc (i attached it to this letter).
Main idea: When there isn't enough space in process address space to allocate mammary for thread stack, it will be allocated by using malloc() function.
************First i've added 2 variables
void * stack_ptr=0; <- stack pointer for a new thread
size_t stack_size_def = 32768; <- size of a new stack
************In start function i've made following canges:
if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
if (pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,(void*)this)!=0) <-create until enough mammary if not enough stack space then
if (stack_size)
stack_ptr=malloc(stack_size); <-allocate mammary for new thread;
else stack_ptr=malloc(stack_size_def);
if (stack_ptr)
THROW_ERRORS (pthread_attr_setstack(&attr,stack_ptr,stack_size_def));<-define where stack will be
THROW_ERRORS (pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,(void*)this));<-and create thread
else throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
if (pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,(void*)this)!=0)
if (stack_size)
else stack_ptr=malloc(stack_size_def);
if (stack_ptr)
THROW_ERRORS (pthread_attr_setstack(&attr,stack_ptr,stack_size_def));
THROW_ERRORS (pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,(void*)this));
else throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
********** In exit function i've added:
if (stack_ptr) free(stack_ptr);
I'll be grateful if you'll answer me.
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I am using omniORB-4.0.5 (but i saw source cod of omniORB-4.1.2 where the same style of thread creation). My application works in Linux, so i have modified POSIX.cc (i attached it to this letter).
Main idea: When there isn't enough space in process address space to allocate mammary for thread stack, it will be allocated by using malloc() function.
************First i've added 2 variables
void * stack_ptr=0; <- stack pointer for a new thread
size_t stack_size_def = 32768; <- size of a new stack
************In start function i've made following canges:
if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
if (pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,(void*)this)!=0) <-create until enough mammary if not enough stack space then
if (stack_size)
stack_ptr=malloc(stack_size); <-allocate mammary for new thread;
else stack_ptr=malloc(stack_size_def);
if (stack_ptr)
THROW_ERRORS (pthread_attr_setstack(&attr,stack_ptr,stack_size_def));<-define where stack will be
THROW_ERRORS (pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,(void*)this));<-and create thread
else throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
if (pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,(void*)this)!=0)
if (stack_size)
else stack_ptr=malloc(stack_size_def);
if (stack_ptr)
THROW_ERRORS (pthread_attr_setstack(&attr,stack_ptr,stack_size_def));
THROW_ERRORS (pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,(void*)this));
else throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
********** In exit function i've added:
if (stack_ptr) free(stack_ptr);
I'll be grateful if you'll answer me.
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Url : http://www.omniorb-support.com/pipermail/omniorb-list/attachments/20081127/5cd1a9cd/posix-0001.obj