[omniORB] Unable to create an endpoint of this description
Pearl Rothman
2011-08-12 01:54:22 UTC

I am using omniorb4 on a linux platform and am trying to have my orb listen
for connection from hostname c1apicas1 to port 8101.

This is my code.

int32 orb_params_count = 0;

char **orb_params = 0;

const char* options[][2] = { { "endPoint", "giop:tcp:c1apicas1:8101" } };

m_orb = CORBA::ORB_init(orb_params_count, orb_params, "omniORB4", options);
I get the following error message.
omniORB: Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description:

When I do not provide the endPoint or any options, and the hostname is my
hostname, the connection is established correctly.

What can the problem be?

Pearl Rothman
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bjorn rohde jensen
2011-08-12 02:39:01 UTC
Post by Pearl Rothman
I am using omniorb4 on a linux platform and am trying to have my orb listen
for connection from hostname c1apicas1 to port 8101.
This is my code.
int32 orb_params_count = 0;
char **orb_params = 0;
const char* options[][2] = { { "endPoint", "giop:tcp:c1apicas1:8101" } };
m_orb = CORBA::ORB_init(orb_params_count, orb_params, "omniORB4", options);
I get the following error message.
When I do not provide the endPoint or any options, and the hostname is my
hostname, the connection is established correctly.
What can the problem be?
Pearl Rothman
Hi Pearl,

The endPoint option is for specifying the local interface and port on
which a CORBA application is to listen for incoming requests. An
endPoint is only half a connection.

If you are trying to limit client access to your server, then you should
define server transport rules as described in the omniORB manual.

What are you trying to do?

Yours sincerely,

Bjorn R. Jensen
