Kruegler Daniel
2014-07-28 12:14:52 UTC
Currently the build-process of omniorb is strongly dependent on the actual platform used (e.g. Windows vs. Linux). In our company we need to build omniorb manually for multiple platforms via C++, because
- we need to create binaries for compilers where omniorb has currently not provided Visual-Studio-Solutions for
- we need to inject our own compiler settings to prevent possible ODR violations
Currently any update of the build results (e.g. when upgrading to a newer OmniOrb version) is complicated and actually requires a manual process on one specific in-house computer instead of doing that via a reproducible, automated build process (especially on Windows the build process is complicated).
For other third-party tools that we use in-house we have taken advantage of cmake to configure the build process uniformly and as much automatically as possible. Unfortunately such a cmake configuration does not exist for omniorb yet, to the best of my knowledge. I would like to ask, whether
a) there are currently thoughts to switch to such a cmake build for OmniOrb?
b) whether anyone has tried to define such a cmake-build for Omniorb and whether this person would be willing to share his/her experience with the list registrees?
Thanks very much,
- Daniel Kr?gler
Bruker Daltonik GmbH
Fahrenheitstrasse 4 Gesch?ftsf?hrer Sitz der Gesellschaft
28359 Bremen Sebastian Meyer-Plath Bremen
Germany Stefan Ruge
Dr. Michael Schubert
J?rgen Srega Handelsregister
Permoserstrasse 15 Amtsgericht Bremen
04318 Leipzig HRB 8150
Haftungsausschluss: Die Bruker Daltonik GmbH ist nicht verantwortlich f?r die ordnungsgem??e, vollst?ndige und verz?gerungsfreie ?bertragung der Nachricht. Der Inhalt der E-Mail ist nur rechtsverbindlich, wenn er unsererseits durch einen Brief oder ein Fax entsprechend best?tigt wird.
Exclusion from liability: Any liability of Bruker Daltonik GmbH referring to the correct, complete and immediate transmission of the message shall be excluded. The content of the e-mail including its attachments is only legally binding if confirmed by Bruker Daltonik GmbH by letter or fax.
Currently the build-process of omniorb is strongly dependent on the actual platform used (e.g. Windows vs. Linux). In our company we need to build omniorb manually for multiple platforms via C++, because
- we need to create binaries for compilers where omniorb has currently not provided Visual-Studio-Solutions for
- we need to inject our own compiler settings to prevent possible ODR violations
Currently any update of the build results (e.g. when upgrading to a newer OmniOrb version) is complicated and actually requires a manual process on one specific in-house computer instead of doing that via a reproducible, automated build process (especially on Windows the build process is complicated).
For other third-party tools that we use in-house we have taken advantage of cmake to configure the build process uniformly and as much automatically as possible. Unfortunately such a cmake configuration does not exist for omniorb yet, to the best of my knowledge. I would like to ask, whether
a) there are currently thoughts to switch to such a cmake build for OmniOrb?
b) whether anyone has tried to define such a cmake-build for Omniorb and whether this person would be willing to share his/her experience with the list registrees?
Thanks very much,
- Daniel Kr?gler
Bruker Daltonik GmbH
Fahrenheitstrasse 4 Gesch?ftsf?hrer Sitz der Gesellschaft
28359 Bremen Sebastian Meyer-Plath Bremen
Germany Stefan Ruge
Dr. Michael Schubert
J?rgen Srega Handelsregister
Permoserstrasse 15 Amtsgericht Bremen
04318 Leipzig HRB 8150
Haftungsausschluss: Die Bruker Daltonik GmbH ist nicht verantwortlich f?r die ordnungsgem??e, vollst?ndige und verz?gerungsfreie ?bertragung der Nachricht. Der Inhalt der E-Mail ist nur rechtsverbindlich, wenn er unsererseits durch einen Brief oder ein Fax entsprechend best?tigt wird.
Exclusion from liability: Any liability of Bruker Daltonik GmbH referring to the correct, complete and immediate transmission of the message shall be excluded. The content of the e-mail including its attachments is only legally binding if confirmed by Bruker Daltonik GmbH by letter or fax.